Congratulations on the addition to your family tree!
While breastfeeding is normal, it isn't always easy.
The pressure to breastfeed can also be overwhelming. I'm here to help!
I'm an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant.
I come to your house with a baby scale and a bag full of experience to help you with the Booby Traps and issues many new moms see during the first year.
I have been working with families since 2001 and I am passionate about providing support to new families.
Initial consultations are scheduled for 90 minutes. Follow up appointments are on a sliding scale.
Consults include:
Call or text - 720.335.1796
Kristi R. Conroy, BA, IBCLC, RLC
International Board Certified Lactation Consultant
American Heart Association CPR Instructor
NHTSA Certified Car Seat Technician
CAPPA Certified Labor Doula and Lactation Educator